Introduzione 1/2018

01/06/2018 Mattia Cardenas, Ambrogio Garofano XIII (2018), 1 Saggio Scarica il pdf

Filosofia e storia della filosofia nella riflessione di Gennaro Sasso

Marcello Mustè XIII (2018), 2 Saggio This article takes into account the philosophical contribution of Gennaro Sasso on the history of philosophy between 1948 and 1988. The discussion with authors such as Carlo Dionisotti and Eugenio Garin, the publication of the works on Niccolò Machiavelli and Benedetto Croce, indicate signs of an original meditation on […]

L’autonoema. Il giudizio tra attualismo e neoeleatismo

Mattia Cardenas XIII (2018), 1 Saggio The aim of this paper is to consider the question of judgement by looking at Giovanni Gentile’s actualism and its development in contemporary Italian philosophy. In particular, the discussion on judgement will bring into play the neo-Parmenidean approach of Gennaro Sasso and Mauro Visentin. Scarica PDF

Neoparmenidismo e teoria della verità

Jonathan Salina XIII (2018), 1 Saggio This article offers a critical examination of the Italian philosophical movement known as “Neoparmenidismo”, with special regard to the works of Emanuele Severino and Genna- roSasso. In particular, Sasso’s philosophy will receive detailed consideration. A second focus of our work concerns the possible conceptual structure of a coherent and […]

Aporie, opportunità e periglio del neoparmenidismo nel confronto tra Emanuele Severino e Mauro Visentin

Riccardo Berutti XIII (2018), 1 Saggio This article offers an enquiry into the implications involved in the relationship between ‘being’ and ‘ontic determinations’.We will try to illustrate some aporias that affect this relationship by distinguishing two different kinds of denial (absolute and relative). Furthermore, following a critical comparison between Emanuele Severino’s and Mauro Visentin’s ‘Neoparmenidism’, […]

Il neoparmenidismo italiano: l’inafferrabilità del concetto di differenza. Intervista a Mauro Visentin

Mattia Cardenas, Ambrogio Garofano XIII (2018), 1 Intervista Starting from the two volumes of Il neoparmedismoitaliano (Bibliopolis, Napoli 2005 and 2010) and from the collection of theoretical papers Onto-logica. Scritti sull’essere e il senso della verità (Bibliopolis, Napoli 2015), in this interview Mauro Visentin identifies the peculiar features of the category of Neoparmenidism and discusses his […]

Scaravelli neoparmenideo?

Ambrogio Garofano XIII (2018), 1 Saggio By setting out from Scaravelli’s claims about Parmenides’ philosophy, the present contribution provides a succinct reconstruction and critical discussion of the neo-Eleatic interpretation of the Florentine thinker put forward by Mauro Visentin. In what sense can Scaravelli be described as a neo-Parmenidean philosopher? Is Neoparmenidism really the hallmark of […]