Alcune osservazioni di Benedetto Croce e Giovanni Gentile sulla filosofia di Jacobi

Cecilia Castellani XV (2020), 2 Saggio An Italian translation of Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi’s philosophical work Über die Lehre des Spinoza in Briefen an den Herrn Moses Mendelssohn was first published in 1914. It was edited by Francesco Capra within the collection of authors and texts «Classicidellafilosofiamoderna», directed by B. Croce and G. Gentile.The article is […]

Spinoza mistico nell’attualismo di Giovanni Gentile

Michela Torbidoni XIII (2018), 2 Saggio This paper explores Giovanni Gentile’s reception of Spinoza and the influence played on it by the 18th and 19th century controversy over pantheism. In this respect, I argue that the metaphysics of the substance is an important route through which to understand the ontology of the subject in the […]

L’autonoema. Il giudizio tra attualismo e neoeleatismo

Mattia Cardenas XIII (2018), 1 Saggio The aim of this paper is to consider the question of judgement by looking at Giovanni Gentile’s actualism and its development in contemporary Italian philosophy. In particular, the discussion on judgement will bring into play the neo-Parmenidean approach of Gennaro Sasso and Mauro Visentin. Scarica PDF