Filologia come filosofia dell’espressione in Giorgio Colli

01/06/2015 Marco Carassai X (2015), 1 Saggio The essay aims to show that the fundamental speculative knots of Giorgio Colli’s thought canbe interpreted as the conscious result of a radical rethinking of a theoretical praxis, more specifically as the result of the philological praxis, in whose philosophical rearticulation the metaphysical understanding of the world as […]

L’eredità di Gramsci tra filosofia, filologia e politica. Intervista a Gianni Francioni

Fabio Frosini XII (2017), 2 Intervista In the following interview, Gianni Francioni addresses the subject of Gramsci’s legacy in philosophy, philology and politics. Looking back at the steps of his study of Gramscian thought, Francioni also returns to the events that led to the publication of the new national edition of Prison Notebooks, characterized by […]