Dizionario dell’egemonia. Da Gioberti a Gramsci

01/06/2016 Antonio Di Meo XI (2016), 1 Saggio The notion of hegemony has a long history that begins in Greek Antiquity. It the resurfaced inthe European historiography and political theory of the 19th century, especially in reference to the events of the German Confederation and the role that Prussia played in that context. By analogy, […]

Recensione G. Preterossi, La politica negata, Laterza, 2011

01/04/2011 Sabina Tortorella VII (2011) Recensione Il libro si apre con un’affermazione secca e lapidaria che costituisce la cornice all’interno dellaquale l’autore conduce la sua intera analisi: il dibattito pubblico degli ultimi decenni ha presentatocome suo elemento distintivo “la tendenza a una progressiva spoliticizzazione”. Il prefisso convalore privativo rende ben chiaro il fenomeno che Preterossi […]

Le tensioni dell’egemonia: Los usos de Gramsci di Juan Carlos Portantiero

Fabio Frosini XII (2017), 2 Saggio The focus of this contribution is the book by Juan Carlos Portantiero Los usos de Gramsci (1981), which collects essays written and published between 1975 and 1981. Los usos de Gramsci is contextualized in relation to the historical-political moment (the coup d’etat in Chile and then in Argentina), the […]

Egemonia e linguistica nella ricerca internazionale

Alessandro Carlucci XII (2017), 2 Saggio The paper reviews recent language-oriented scholarship on Gramsci, mostly publications in English or Italian which have appeared since 2007. It considers three main areas: 1) the sociology and politics of language, especially the use of the notion of hegemony in debates about English as a global language; 2) the […]