Hegel e la contraddizione (III)

This third part of the reflection upon the notions of dialectics follows the first part (focused on
the interpetations derived from the Marxian tradition, especially by Della Volpe and Colletti, and those
coming from the historical and genetic consideration developed by Merker, Rossi, Varnier, Raspa and
Biscuso), and the second part (dedicated to the coherentist interpreters, such as Marconi and Berto, and to the para-coherentis ones, such as Severino and Bettineschi) – which were published in the last issues of Filosofia Italiana. Now the author examines the non-coherentist and anti-coherentist interpretations (by Renato Milan, Sergio Landucci, Enrico Berti, Franco Chiereghin, Sergio Bernini, Massimo Donà, Massimiliano Biscuso, Federico Peralda and Michela Bordignon). Despite every difference in their approaches, these interpreters do agree in the belief that Hegel put offside the principle of non-contradiction.