L’esito eleatico del pensiero speculativo italiano. Analisi dei contributi di Mauro Visentin

The essay discusses Visentin’s theses presented in his book Il neoparmenidismo italiano. Vol II. Dal
neoidealismo al neoparmenidismo
(2011), which develops and concludes the critical reconstruction started in his Il neoparmenidismo italiano. Vol I. Le premesse storiche e filosofiche (2005). The contribution focuses on the four philosophers examined by Visentin: Guido Calogero and Luigi Scaravelli (both critics of Italian Idealism and forerunners of Neoparmenidism), Gennaro Sasso and Emanuele Severino (both examples of two different conceptions of Neoparmenidism). Common to these philosophers is the antinomic problem of negation, as well as that of empirical abstraction with regard to the transcendental request for a synthetic conception of the dialectical oppositions between, on the one side, being and nothing and, on the other side, logic and phenomenology. In the last part, the author introduces a critical discussion of Visentin’s theoretical position.