Introduzione 2/2022
Massimiliano Biscuso, Jonathan Salina XVII (2022), 2 Saggio Scarica il pdf
Idealismo e filosofia: tra pensiero della crisi e concetti puri. Intervista a Gennaro Sasso
Jonathan Salina XVII (2022), 2 Intervista This interview wants to discuss some contents about Idealismo e filosofia (Bologna 2020), a theoretical and critical work from Gennaro Sasso, an important italian historian of philosophy and philosopher, who considers with attention (as for his previous works) the italian idealism of Benedetto Croce and Giovanni Gentile. Starting from […]
Per una storia della storiografia filosofica in Italia: linee introduttive
Teodosio Orlando XVII (2022), 2 Saggio The article analyses the Italian tradition concerning the teaching of philosophy since the unification of Italy, correlating it with the philosophical historiography (i.e. the main handbooks) for high schools. In particular, by examining the textbooks of the last 50 years, it highlights the profound transformations they have undergone, both […]
Translatio studiorum. La storia della filosofia come traducibilità
Marcello Mustè XVII (2022), 2 Saggio The article highlights that the history of philosophy cannot find a rigorous foundation in classical metaphysics and transcendental philosophies. To understand the character of the history of philosophy it is necessary to rethink the content and method of this discipline. The author emphasizes the relationship between philosophical historiography and […]
Metodo, sistema e struttura nella storia della filosofia. A partire dall’esperienza italiana
Jonathan Salina XVII (2022), 2 Saggio This article wants to clarify both the historical and theoretical situation about history of philosophy in Italy in the last decades. Firstly, we will offer a cursory historical explanation about this situation since 1950’s to our days. Then, we will consider contemporary italian thinking and we will try to […]
Tullio Gregory e «il piacere di una caccia senza preda»
Pina Totaro XVII (2022), 2 Saggio This article presents a brief description of the research activities, scientific projects and publishing initiatives promoted by Tullio Gregory in his long career as a scholar, university professor and research institute collaborator. Tullio Gregory was also founder and director of the Institute for the European Intellectual Lexicon and History […]
«Storia e verità della filosofia». Mario Dal Pra e la storiografia filosofica italiana
Massimo Ferrari XVII (2022), 2 Saggio Mario Dal Pra was one of the most important historians of philosophy during the Second post war period. His contributions to the scholarship on the Greek thought, Hume, and Marx represented a point of reference for contemporary investigations in these fields. But no less important are Dal Pra’s reflections […]
Storicità del sapere e storiografia delle tradizioni filosofiche nell’opera di Giulio Preti
Luca Maria Scarantino XVII (2022), 2 Saggio This paper outlines Giulio Preti’s conception of history of philosophy as a key contribution to Italian scholarly debate in the 1950s. Preti’s approach is seen as focused on the concept of ‘traditions’, in agreement with his general ontological pluralism. His work in the domain of history of philosophy […]
Filosofia e storia della filosofia in Eugenio Garin
Massimiliano Biscuso XVII (2022), 2 Saggio In this paper I outline the concepts of philosophy and the history of philosophy in the work of Eugenio Garin. Starting from three famous books, La filosofia come sapere storico (The Philosophy as Historical Knowledge), Cronache di filosofia italiana (Chronicles of Italian Philosophy) and Intellettual iitaliani del XXsecolo (Italian […]
Rivisitare e riconsiderare. Momigliano e la crisi dello storicismo
Pasquale Terracciano XVII (2022), 2 Saggio Through the analysis of Arnaldo Momigliano’s revisiting of the Historicism, the paper delves into the italian and international debates on nature and meaning of history, on the role of the interpretation and critical judgment, on objectivism and providentialism. Scarica il pdf